_Thumbnail.JPG) | 25.05.08
St Jean de Thomas to Le Mont Saint Michel.
The bad weather yesterday really did us a favour by driving us into the great B&B we stayed at. Tony was lying in state on the double bed while Tim was composing the blog on the single in the corner of our room when he discovered that there are guided walks across the bay of St Michel from Genets (5 miles down the coast), to Le Mont St Michel. Great this saves 20-30 miles and at least a days walking. Having done the walk across the bay, this does carry a ‘do not attempt this at home’ sticker. We did it with a guide and a party of 30ish French from the same street in Caen who had come for a picnic and a day out on the sands. The four miles across the bay zigzagged across 3 main water courses (to mid thigh depth) and several mud flats and sinking sand bars. The youngsters in the party took great delight in jumping up and down on any quicksand they found which is much like walking over a layer of semi solid porridge. The crossing took 2 hours and there were 8-10 year olds in the party. We also passed a memorial on the shore to a rescue helicopter crew who died on surveillance duties only 10 years ago The weather across was perfect and the views make it a trip worth doing, to say nothing of the feel for the pilgrims of old who would have done it as we did in bare feet as no real option (I think their feet may have been tougher than ours though).