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Wednesday Antrain to Chateau de Rocher Portail.
Another wet night, even our little pitch under a nice thick beech tree was soaked. Up and at it, and after stoking the baguette fired boilers of our legs we set off out of Antrain - a pleasant small town (when dry). I will not bore with more detail of mud etc, suffice it to say that after a while we found ourselves on an old railway track (permissive path for the GR) that went up the valley of the River Loisance, a tributary of the Couesnon that we had followed vaguely from Mont St Michel. After following the GR way marks and not going through a tunnel we found we had done 1.5 km that could have been 100metres (maybe the permissive nature of the path affected the willingness to mark through a well maintained short light tunnel). The day continued and after a few more bits of river bank and puddle we reached our lodging for the night, Chateau de Rocher. See Pic A, most imposing building but unfortunately the Gite d’etape was not the main building but an old somewhat decaying stableblock or farm building out the back, and at that we had to cajole our way in as it has been closed since 2000! The sun came out as we arrived and the tents soon dried (less weight tomorrow with a longish day into Fougeres ahead).