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Laval to St Denis du Maine
Set off in the rain after a wet night. Walking down the main road for the first hour in the rush hour in the rain with articulated lorries only inches away was no fun but it made the rest of the day during which rain was intermittent on the side roads seem quite pleasant by comparison. Much of the day looked like the photo.
We arrived at St Denis at about 13:30 having covered 15 miles and starting at 07:30, well we certainly didn’t want to stop. Found the campsite very nice on the shore of a small lake, but it is Monday so no shops or bakeries open. Still we have food for tonight and a Mars bar got us here. I think both our BMIs are dropping.
However the afternoon provided some precious drying time a breeze and the sun came together, even though clouds threatened and close observation was needed to prevent steps backwards in the drying process. Someone’s socks have been wet for days!!!
A little amble up into the village to see a) the local hotel closed and up for sale (anyone fancy a little lifestyle change?) b) the historic church stuffed full of statues, limestone frieze, carvings and C14 wallpaintings (so much to see in 1 place with an English soundtrack) and c) the ancient village washhouse which seemed to be a large wooden platform that could be lowered into the river.