_Thumbnail.jpg) | 03.06.08
St Denis to Sable sur Sarthe
We knew these two days would not be fun, we had 30 miles by direct road to link up the 2 GR systems. This second day was well started by the previous afternoon in St Denis with sun and breeze so we started drier than for some days. It was still trying to rain but very slowly cleared during the day. The meteo Tim saw on the papier of the monsieur in charge of the café/bar we had coffee in yesterday agreed with Geoff’s text that we may be due a few days good weather, I hope so, this may mean we can smell less like the pilgrims of old. We arrived in Sable at about 1400 and pitched tents to dry them out 17-18 miles today and then walked into town. The site has red squirrels, seen as we arrived and the weather has looked up since, now sitting in the evening sun drying out after a meal that only had to be carried 1 km from town. ( So for Ali, plenty veg melon and nectarines and tomatos, as well as the standard bottle of wine, missing for the last 2 days ). Next few days are not problems of carrying food or shopping and so we look to be in or around Saumur for the arrival of our two gracious ladies. (The first supply visit). Really no interesting pics to show views or whatever so some sculpture from Sable from our shopping expedition and a view of the Harris Butchers bag that has been with him since Tim started (thanks Mark).