_Thumbnail.JPG) | 19.06.08 Thursday
La Roche-Posay to St Savin.
A very good day, two in one, we had planned to get to St Pierre de Maille (about 12 miles) but we started early and were there feeling well by 1130 so pressed on with the help of the local paths organised by the local boroughs instead of the GR that was meandering all over the countryside. We know that if you wish to see the French countryside then following the red and white GR marks is excellent and takes you to all the important spots in an area while passing through it. However if you wish to pass through pleasant countryside with a purpose of getting from a-b then it is not optimal. We have covered in a day and 20 miles, what would have taken two and around 35 miles by sticking closely to the GR48. A number of young dear were disturbed when they were dozing in corn fields and it was amusing to see them run away with just their heads appearing at each bound through the field. A text to Tim from Geoff Fisher who should be trying to find us in about 10 days time reminds us that we were going to give reports on the kit we have brought with us as well as some specific requirements for those mad enough to try to join us for a while. SO: Our accommodation. The two Terra Nova Laser Competitions have performed very well no major problems, one has a small crack in one of the critical hoop poles but wire and tape have prevented any deterioration and we now carry a spare pole set . They are quite damp with condensation in the mornings (I think we have had 2 completely dry nights) in terms of packing up into their bags, but this is not a major problem as either at mid day during lunch or on setting up mid afternoon they are dry. I would not however like to pack them wet and then put them up in the rain as a sole shelter. THEY ARE ONLY BIG ENOUGH FOR ONE PERSON. Any attempt to sleep more than one will be doomed to discomfort and sleeplessness, although this is not from personal experience, and we have no intention of trying. The MSR Dragonfly stove Tim bought/borrowed of Mark is performing faultlessly it has mostly run on Coleman fuel with a short spell on unleaded which will recur during the trip. The MSR pan set the non stick coating of which there were dire predictions is actually very good. There are some minor losses of coat but it is still performing well with no pealing or sticking. NOTE FOR GEOFF AND ANY OTHERS JOINING US IT WOULD BE HELPFUL TO BRING ONE MEDIUM SIZED PAN ENOUGH TO HOLD A STEW FOR 3-4 AS THE BIGGEST MSR MAY BE A BIT MEAN FOR THREE OR MORE ON OCCASIONS. Otherwise coking and meals for guests under control, but need own plate mug and eating tools. Tim’s Penknife from Penny in multiplle daily use. Thanks again. Boots. Tims Blacks Dolomite Trecking were still waterproof in their inside lining after 5 weeks of abuse. They had been wet through twice due to impossible conditions. Some stitching was starting to wear and some seams consequently looking as though failure in the next 5 weeks probable. So changed back to the KSB 600s I wore down the Severn to Somerset. These are not as waterproof a boot but breath better and are very comfortable, we are now on dryer terrain and they are functioning well. Tony’s Rohan underwear, shorts and shirts are brilliant if expensive wash them wring them out and hang them up, dry in a couple of hours or less if not raining if raining stuff them in pack and hang up later still look like new (well nearly). Tony’s boots (from Blacks) which have only done about 600 miles needed some mending today as a small hole has occurred on the ‘toe crease’ on the right hand boot. This has been re sewn and covered in waterproof goo. If this doesn’t fix the problem then a new pair of boots will need to be purchased/found in the next few days. Not sure that the receipt for their purchase can be found or what Blacks’s returns policy is!
We expect in 10 days to be level or just south of a line between Limoges and Angouleme and would suggest Limoges Airport if anyone flies there from UK. Otherwise its up to you Geoff.