_Thumbnail.jpg) | 26.06.08 Thursday
Rochechouart to Oradour sur Vayres
Longish day planned and early start with no breakfast, walking at 0640 and 7 miles to St Auvent along green lanes mostly through forest, pastries and coffee at the Auberge by the church were well needed. The next 8 miles or so were road walking with the day gradually warming up and a gradual ascent to over 1000 ft during the day as we passed out of the watershed of the Vienne draining north to the Loire and into the area drained by the Dronne and other rivers filling the Dordonge that enters the sea in the Gironde estuary home of the great Bordeaux wines. We are really well down France now and we start to feel that we might finish this walk. We stopped for lunch in the shade on the side of a farm track by a lake and didn’t start again till 1330, the heat was not too bad today as the humidity was much lower but we were encouraged by the fact it was only 2 miles to town and a cold beer. After that and a bit of shopping for food for tomorrow we moved on 1 mile to our Chambre d’Hote for tonight run by Peter and Barbara at Maison Taupe (Mole House), who are once again English who have been here 6 years in a classic old French house and well maintained garden in which on their washing line our daily washing had dried well before the evening barbecue. Tony mean while seems to be earning our beers by trying to help Peter sort out his web site. Freddie there’s a bird ID for you, see separate post. We have a big day tomorrow to tomorrow’s campsite so good night all.