_Thumbnail.jpg) | 27.07.08 Sunday
A day for Karl’s boys to see the mountain tops and experience a cable car and ski lift, weather fine and a great picnic up in the Cirque de Lys. We also had our first sight of marmottes having heard their characteristic whistle in the valley earlier in the morning. We have now booked via Betsy (thank you) all the huts we need to cross the Pyrenees on the Haute Route starting tomorrow. Karl and his older boy (Jonathan) will accompany us on the first day and then back the next, they will then meet us five days later to pick up Ralph. Thus earning themselves honorary pilgrim status and doing us the enormous favour of taking home to England our tents and cooking gear that we no longer require on the Camino proper. The next guest should be Ray Majer in about 3 weeks time,. Karl spent most of the day wishing he had packed his mountain bike as the waymarked trails up at the Cirque looked superb and we watched many riders some braver than others as the picture shows