.JPG) | 19.08.08 Tuesday.
El Burgo Raniero to Leon.
After a good night rest at the municipal Albergue in El Burgo, run by volunteers German and Spanish, we are off and away at 0530. The moon is still giving good light and the route is obvious alongside the road for many kilometres. The day dawns on flat stubble fields (what a surprise), but we have seen the lights of Leon in the far distance and although we have said we will stop and discuss whether to continue the full 36km to Leon none of the towns we pass through seem particularly appealing except as coffee stops so we press on. Richard our adopted Frenchman is going well today and soon will have to decide whether to continue with us and return next year to finish the Camino or press on even harder to reach Compostella three days before us so he can return to work. There are many trees in les Sables d’Olonne awaiting surgery. This distance covered in seven and a half hours may not have been good for Ray. Although fit for running he behaved today like one of the toy rabbits in the Duracell advert (the one with the ordinary battery). We check into the municipal albergue by the river it is a bit faceless but cheap, clean and comfortable. Ray declines to walk around Leon after lunch, and misses a really nice little city with a cathedral as impressive though less opulent than Burgos. Back at the hostel Ray is recovered and seems happy with a plan for a definite “only 24km tomorrow”. Ray’s bit,Yes it cannot be denied as the final stages into Leon down a never ending road I got slower and slower and slower…..This pilgrim business is harder than it looks with the others loping around like greyhounds on a leash, 1000 or so miles has honed them into walkers with attitude,still its another day tomorrow I cant wait for 5 am. Richard’s bit, Content d’avoir recontrer trois anglais qui mon redonner de la vitalitee alors que je perdais la cadense a cause de ma cheville qui me faisait mal nous avont egalement passer quelques bon moment et je les remerci beaucoup