| 21.4.12 Saturday. Today we are due to meet Ray and Anne, who have just flown out from England, in Puerto Real a bit further round the bay of Cadiz. The bay consists of a mix of salt marsh and Atlantic Ocean with the spit of land leading to Cadiz along the south of the bay and the saltmarsh with its salinas (salt pans) to the west. We set off northish out of town and into fields and soon come across the only remaining part of the 60km aqueduct that carried water to Gades in Roman times. A little later after minor route dificulties we see at the top of a slight rise two men apparently fishing, as we get closer it becomes apparent that they have no rods and later no water! We then notice the small birds in cages on the top of poles arranged in a wide circle around each man. The birds sing loudly, and we have no idea what was going on! Soon after we reach the edge of the salt marsh and walk round the edge spotting waders. As well as the previously spotted blackwinged stilts we see avocets and a pair of redshanks, the avocets were also spotted by Ray and Anne from the train on the way to Cadiz. Due to the marvels of modern tecnology we make contact and meet them off the train from Cadiz a little before 1600. Result. In the late afternoon we sit in the sun at a bar in the main square dodging the balls of the local small kids playing nearby.