| Choclate in Cadiz. Having done two days in one yesterday we declare a tourist day. A visit to Cadiz and a look at towns we will pass while walking. Another reason is the weather forecast (a large wet front around midday). Good choice we dodge showers in the morning in Cadiz and learn in the excellent museum (free to EU passport holders) that the name Cadir (phoenician) Cades, (roman) has changed little through the ages. Also there a huge statue of Tragian in the Roman section (an emperor who thought a lot of himself) of whom we may hear more later in thos walk, and some quite good art particularly some Impressionists of whom we had never heard (our knowledge is far from exhaustive) who are probably local. A good lunch in a local bar at 9euro each for 3 courses and a glass of wine, whichi included a large bowl of potato and octopus stew (for Tony and Tim) and scrambled eggs with mushrooms and prawns (for Betsy and Jane). This was preceded (during one of the early downpours) by a quick one in a bar specializing in liquid chocolate. We had a return to Tarifa in heavy rain and called briefly in to the Roman ruins at Baleo Claudia to check opening hours (previously a major settlement now a very small village) to which we will walk tomorrow along the coast from Tarifa.