| 28.4 Saturday. Seville to Guillena We bid farewell to Ray and Anne, both of whom have enjoyed their dip into a Camino. The rain on the roof of the hostal sounds heavy to all except Tim who wonders why there is suddenly no rush to start and is bemused when Tony starts to put on overtrousers. Eventually we all leave into the raindark streets to find after a few turns the trail of yellow arrows past the office of the Amigos de Camino across the river to the west and past Decathalon (about600m off route) where Tim markedly improved his footwear yesterday. We gradually leave the river and it seems quite soon reach Santiponce where there is a reconditioned monastry and more importantly to us a coffee. The rain is very slight now, but Betsy discovers her old overtrousers are permeable to water. We pass by the Roman ruins and the mock roman marble carvery and after the large trafficisland ee take to the straight track to the fields. As we approach a pylon topped by a storks nest one flies in, up pops its mate and we witness the changong of the guard and possibly feeding of a small one in the nest, though this we cannot see directly it appears to be what the incoming one is now doing. Later a line of five occupied nests along the power lines and a flight of herons gives an excuse for jokes about stork and butter. Sauntering on for we have not far to go today, we come to the warned about ford. It looks deep but some strategically placed palettes provide a route across that would become inadequate in wetter weather. And so after another, somewhat smelly stream we enter Guillena. 22k less than 5hrs. Menu de Dia at the Bar Frances is adequate and cheap by Seville standards we have arrived in Camino Spain! At 1400 the alburge is opened by Jaqueline the french guardienne and we check in gaining a sello and points for carrying our own washing lines.