Well, I came back to Thursday walking with a bang. Trevor's advertised 6 miles was actually 7.5 according to Tracklog. The need for the helpdesk came from an unexpected place - I had to help Trevor find himself on MM tracker when we got started and later get him back from the road map to the 1:250. Bit of finger trouble there, I think. Francoise wasn't with us, so I didn't have to provide a helpdesk for her. However it was a pleasant march through the surroundings of Kilmersdon on a glorious sunny day and we did it in record time, partly due to an almost complete absence of stiles.
The garden is beginning to look a little more cared for again. The pigeons were watching closely when I planted the pea seeds, so I'm not sure how many will come up. I have tried to foil them with a network of string, to see if I can trip them up and discourage them. Fat chance!
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