26. May 2014 17:00
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26.05.15 Monday La Romieu to Condom.
It started to rain as we went to bed last night it rained on and off all night and continued until 1600 today. Thus a short 15km walk became a bit of a struggle through wet and slippy mud. Good deed for the day was the pointing in the correct direction by Ray and Tim of a French couple who going the wrong way back up the GR65. We never did discover why but they were grateful when we met them outside the cathedral in Condom. While this was going on Betsy and Tony were ensconced in a delightful donativo gite having a very good cup of coffee. The others were summoned by text and joined them having just been correcting a minor navigational error themselves. In fainess to all concerned the usual very high standard of route marking had deteriorated temporarily and theads down in the rain did not help. Eventually we arrived in Condom, 3/4 shut of course it being Monday but find an excellent meal opposite the cathedral of salmon tarte salad and cassoulet. Condom cathedral quiet impressive high vaulted ceilings and lots of stonework.
The other high point on a fairly dismal day was the finding by Ray in a sink on the campsite of an Emperor moth. Who was rescued and put in a quiet place by Betsy.
Currently we are trying to dry tents and washing before the next downpour is due.
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