_Thumbnail.JPG) | 22.05.08
Thursday Geffosses to Mont Martin via Coutainville and Pont de la Roque
Set off early at 7am. Are French campsites like offers in supermarkets buy 3 get one free? Perfectly good site though and hot water because it’s fed from the school boiler next door which seemed to fire up every hour or so even through the night. About 2.5 miles to the coast and then down the littoral again to Coutainville, lots of little beach huts with bright coloured roofs in the dunes. Did a bit of shopping and then some road walking out of Coutainville followed by a couple of miles of salt marsh with sheep on which we had lunch. It was very peaceful.
All really going well until the Pont de La Roque. This is a bridge where the allied forces removed the central section by bombing in 1944. It took 3 straffing runs to remove it so it must have been well built. How long will the remainder of the bridge last for?
Then down into MontMartin to find the municipal campsite located in an old quarry (Andy Malkin eat your heart out!).
Food in town plus a couple of glasses of pression (first yet in France!) and back to the site for tea.