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Friday MontMartin to Granville.
Started from the delightful quarry municipal site at 07:30 (if Tony Moores chose Tim’s new watch, then please select one with bigger numerals next time so that he doesn’t think that it is 1 hour later than it is!), up into village usual 2 baguettes eat one with ham and start walking, reach sea and an estuary uneventfully and walk up to the crossing place and then through more salt marsh and back lanes for a while to reach the beach. A final tramp along the beach saw us almost reach our goal for the day when the large black cloud that had been threatening for ½ hour started to pour. We just reached the bar at the edge of the campsite in time, to the amusement of the locals. It stopped after only 2 bieres (Betsy is right a pint is a unit of time).
Set up tents and did the usual things and were just discussing the next day when the elderly French couple in the camper van next door went off out in their Quad Bike with dog in the front carrier. ‘Wallace & Grommet Abroad’ could be Aardman’s next animated hit.