_Thumbnail.JPG) | 30.05.08
Friday Fougeres to Chatillon en Vendelais.
Uneventful walking,enlivened only by the occasional herd of cows. The high spot of the day the drying of the tents in a deserted masonry store in the middle of nowhere. After yesterday’s good walking on a disused railway line, we tried to pick up the same line running south out of Fougeres. This line however still had the lines and ballast on it and so was unwalkable. Maybe sometime SNCF (the French railways network), will turn this line as well into a walkable and cycleable route. I am sure that it will be much appreciated by both the locals and long distance walkers. This is the last campsite before we step off tomorrow in to the wilds of rural France where only cows go. It is however a great place, by the side of a lake created probably between the 2 world wars and inhabited by a few French people and no more than 6 at present on this Municipal site. Les Municipals are a supremely French creation and are camp sites sponsored and run by the local council, some are now falling into disuse but many like this flourish on the earnings during the high season and are open during an extended summer season from april to end sept. They deserve support! We arrived and pitched tents and then went into the village a little rain happened and on our return another hour of rain was followed by a very pleasant early evening of sunshine allowing me to cook outside my tent.