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Saturday Chatillon en Vendelais to Port Brillet.
We knew this was a long day with no known ending, but set off in thick mist out of the village at first not even able to see the cows, but they soon appeared. Walked all day along country lanes with very little traffic and as warned by the helpful campsite manager in Fougeres no one goes there. The mist eventually turned into a warmish humid day and on a rise outside Port Brillet we found enough wind to help dry the tents as well as a welcome rest for the legs. We had covered around 20 miles and were entering Port Brillet and resigned to spending a night in a forest about 2 miles further on when we saw a sign for the Auberge du Village and since it is now a week since our last B&B we felt a night of comfort and a day not smelling too bad was called for. So a sit down meal in the restaurant tonight followed by a night inside for a change.