by Administrator
11. July 2008 16:05
11.07.08 Friday
Set off this morning from La Romieu, up early but had failed to note time of opening of boulangerie, still making interesting noises and smells at 07:05 so went on our way without breakfast, chocolate bars essential after one and a half hours. La Romieu has an old Abbey we could not go round, but tours are arranged and there is a local legend about a cat woman that we could not understand but several houses are decorated with stone cats.
We are heading for Lectoure and then just south to a campsite called Three Valleys, this is a point from which we can reach Fleurance tomorrow morning to meet Rhona and her friends heading north after their visit to the Tour de France. The weather is thankfully cooler today and we make good progress into Lectoure by late morning where a market is in full swing. we got trout for later and then a meal in a cafe (breakfast and lunch).
We wandered into the old cathedral there - many church buildings around here date from 14th and 15th centuries and the establishment of the Bastide towns by the rival French and English royal houses.
The reason you have more than one picture is that we are on the worlds most expensive campsite, it is charging about ten times that of our cheapest municipal, we would have walked on but were told the next site had closed down. However internet access is inclusive, so taking advantage of it. It does have everything one could possibly require but it's a bit like a campsite for people who don't really like camping.