| 11.04.12 Weds. Having stumbled yawning out of bed at Tony & Janes in Somerset and made our way to Bristol airport we check our small (less than 10kg) packs through Abnormal Baggage (Cos of the straps) we board Easyjet flight to Malaga. An uneventful flight and hire car pick up and Jane drives us a little hesitantly to Tarifa. The most southerly town in the Iberian peninsula, where we have a flat for a week as a base to walk around from Gibraltar to Jerez (or there about). This may seem a luxurious start to our Camino but the distances are full days and we hope to fit in sight seeing in Gibratar and across the straits in Tangiers while Jane is with us. This old town much fought over is full of history with Guzman the good and PanchoIV capturing the town at various times. Tomorrow Gibraltar calls.