Bursts of manic activity, as the temperature slowly reduced, took me to our Jubilee Fun Day on Saturday afternoon on the Playing Fields with an overflowing table of baskets. We had everything, flowers, fruit, cakes, biscuits, jewellery, smellies, cuddly toys - the whole conveyor belt, and all in baskets of varying sizes. The flowers were supposed to be beautifully arranged, but it ended up a rather hasty job on Saturday morning, but no one complained. I was all flowered out from the previous evening when a young man turned up at our house with a large and beautiful bunch of Roses and freesias. Isn't the internet wonderful that Tony could remember our wedding anniversary from Spain!
The baskets went well, and resulted in nearly £100 profit for Brownies and Guides. Plenty for ice creams on the trip to London.
I half expected that rain would bring the Fun Day to an abrupt close (not the first time this has happened in living memory) but it held off until everything was safely tidied up, thank goodness. But today has not been as kind - plenty of rain overnight meant it started soggy and we have had intermittent showers all day. The Jubilee boats on the Thames started dry but ended in a complete downpour. The finale comprised the London Phil playing patriotic songs to the Quenne from a large barge by Tower Bridge. The orchestra was OK, they had a roofs over their heads, but the choir looked like drowned rats. Didn't stop them singing though.
I spent the afternoon as hostess at the church, serving teas to anyone who came to see the decorations. The whole church is a sea of red, blue and white, and quite magnificent. It was fairly quiet (most people went yesterday I think) so we were able to sit down and chat. Then home to welcome Steph who is here for most of the week with another essay to write.
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